

Individual Counseling

Individual therapy centered on "coming home to your Self" is a deeply introspective and transformative journey. It's about reconnecting with one's true essence, values, and inner wisdom. The goal is to rediscover a sense of belonging within oneself, fostering an internal sense of empowerment. Through self-reflection and self-compassion, individuals can develop a more profound connection with their inner selves, leading to personal attunement and growth. I encourage you to live in alignment with your core values and desires, resulting in a more fulfilling and authentic way of being.

Frameworks and modalities that inform my work include Narrative Therapy, Parts Work / Inner Child Work, Liberation Psychology, Feminist Theory, and Ecological Systems Theory. Detailed descriptions are provided here.

I currently provide individual mental health counseling for adolescents, young adults, and adults, above the age of 16. Please reach out if you are requesting services for those below this age range, as there may be exceptions.

Because love is an act of courage, not of fear, love is a commitment to others. No matter where the oppressed are found, the act of love is commitment to their cause—the cause of liberation.
— Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed

Couple/Relational Counseling

I recognize that all relationships, including those of friendship, can benefit from deliberate and thoughtful engagement. Whether within monogamous or non-monogamous dynamics, the emphasis is on fostering deeper connections and understanding among people. By encouraging you to navigate complex emotions, boundaries, and expectations, I aim to strengthen your relational bonds, building a foundation of trust, compassion, and playfulness. I acknowledge the diversity of relationship structures and hope to promote healthier, more fulfilling systems that honor the unique needs and desires of all involved parties.

Frameworks and modalities that inform my relational work include Emotion-Focused Couples/Relational Therapy (EFT), Gottman Method, and Structured Family Therapy. I am officially trained in EFT specifically catered toward LGBTQIA+ couples/systems as well as in Gottman Level 1. Detailed descriptions are provided here.

I specialize in working within the following systems:

  • Monogamous and/or non-monogamous couples, polycules, and systems

  • Interracial couple/system dynamics

  • LGBTQIA+ couples/systems

Your existence is a testament to the body wisdom of your ancestors
— Dalia Kinsey, Decolonizing Wellness